Well, I needed to do some shearing, as the wool inventory is getting low for the little shopkeeper, so I rounded up Regalo, and brought him down to the little chute, that I use for shearing and other health management. I sheared off his heavy wool coat and also trimmed his hooves and then gave him some worm medicine also. Below you can see my nice and trimmed up Regalo!
I did also trim up Lily our little brown female, but I didn't get pictures as I was trying to finish before it got to hot out. Then it was on to mowing the yard!
The shearing along with lawn mowing took place Saturday when it was a little cooler out, and today I worked on cleaning up the garden, in other words pulling weeds, and harvesting some of our produce.Below you see two zucchini that I found while pulling weeds and I had picked two smaller ones yesterday for our supper. There are many more coming along with a wide variety of other items.
I also picked what few pea pods we had, and the peas this year did not yield much for us, I got them in later and then and they didn't germinate very well, and what few plants came up did not like the heat we have had the last 3 weeks. I have lot of bean blossoms and some of them are converting into beans.
It was a hot dirty job, but now things look really good and hopefully we will get some more rain soon. Otherwise I may have to water the garden some to make sure all the produce coming will finish developing.
It won't be long and we will have green beans and tomatoes along with the zucchini and lettuce we already have!