Cleaning day at Wooden Nichols


Spring Clean Up at Wooden Nichols

Crystalie and I set today aside to go over to Wooden Nichols and begin the process of "spring clean up" inside and outside.

It must be spring because we are getting rain today also, which made it a little damp for cleaning out all the flower beds around Wooden Nichols, but I wanted to get it done and it wasn't rain real hard but it was steady. So with a few layers of clothes on, I raked and pulled dead stems of plants and hauled many wheelbarrows of debris out of all the gardens at WN.

Needless to say with all of our warm weather, many of the plants are up and growing,so it was time. I finished all but our parking area border garden as the rain after lunch was falling very heavy and I was damp enough.

Crystalie, began the process of vacuuming around all the walls and windows sucking up dead flies and ladybugs that didn't survive the cold unheated cabin during the winter. Also wiping down window frames and woodwork as she moved around the rooms, moving every piece of furniture and all the wooden boxes and other display pieces.

Since the rain was coming down harder after lunch I washed all the windows inside and out, and the doors, along with cleaning the bathroom sink and stool. At 2:00 I went back outside and finished a few projects and then began loading up items to haul back home with us. We put in about 5 hours of time and got lots done, but there are a few things to finish in the next week, for me anyhow.

Crystalie, has to clean some more, but then she also starts setting up display area's and putting out this years items for sale and a number of consignors will be bring things by in the next 2 weeks, so it will be full of stuff when she opens on May 3rd!