A New Year!

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We all know that it is now 2013, and it looks to be a very busy year around here!

With the closing of the Wooden Nichols Store, and moving it all home into our new storage shed...a 28 ft semi-trailer and my shop. We have it all stuffed to the rafters! Well almost, the plan is to reorganize some of it when it warms up a little bit. When spring comes we hope to have occasional sales here at Coffee Lake Farm, so our shoppers can see all of our work here at the farm!

All of our animals are fine and as you can see we have lots of snow. Pedro is enjoying some sunshine which was just before Chrsitmas in this picture. He is standing on the old pushed up manure pile, it is amazing how much the llamas like getting on higher ground.

We are currently enjoying the company of Ricki and Grant and Rebekah from their home in the state of Washington. Having a few extra people makes the winter days go faster, and we are easily amused by Rebekah, who will be 8 years old soon.

We are looking to a family Christmas this coming Saturday, which will feature a great meal and gift exchanges. It is always a very special time and I hope those of you who read this also have had a Happy Holiday season!

This years goal for my blog is to post weekly so I can keep you all amused and caught up on events here at Coffee Lake Farm!

One Comment

  1. I like your goal :)