Thursday, December 30, 2010


New Years Resolutions

Well, I stayed home today, took a vacation day, slow at work with the impending NYE weekend looming, and Crystalie, needed some help with some projects as it seems she sprained or injured or left shoulder somehow. So helping with a few chores around the house in preparation for NYE and Coit Family Christmas.

Our weather is very unusual as it is pouring rain since about 10:00am and it is now 1:00pm, suppose to turn to snow sometime this afternoon as things cool off. Making for a good day to be inside and not out driving around in the slush and ice. The picture above is a reminder of what it can look like on a beautiful late summer evening!

I have a few New Years Resolutions...

1. To write and entry a day for this blog or to at least finish the year with more than 365 posts

2. Use my work vacation days more in the spring, and summer months..I have 3 days I am carrying into 2011 and I have to use them by the end of February or lose them. I plan to take sometime off in May to plant my garden early if the weather permits. Maybe some golf days also!

3. Cut more wood, always want to do this, but I like cutting in late fall, no bugs, cooler and leaves are off the trees, just need to start early.

4. Spend more time with kids and grand kids...maybe use some vacation to do this more often.

5. Stay in shape, I seem to be able to keep my weight in check, but I could use some toning and stretching, outside of all my normal outdoor activity.

6. Eat healthier, lunches, I just grab a sandwich most days, either fast food or subway, just have to eat more subway type stuff, maybe an occasional salad.

7. Grow a big pumpkin, tired of losing out to the Stanley Boys in this department. Time to start a new Pumpkin and Squash area, outside of the garden...which means breaking some ground and also some fencing.
Lots of fertilizer also on it...which I have lots of ... :-)

8. Spend more time with my wife enjoying our place!

I encourage you all to write down some resolutions for us to see, maybe then they will become reality for you!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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The Wildlife!

It was another mild day and Crystalie was fortunate enough to see this young deer, crossing the lake just off the end of our dock! So she was able to get a quick picture of it.

Yes we do have other animals around the farm, deer of course wander through the pastures all year, the horse and the llamas, don't really get to excited about it, and we have seen many times when the deer are on the outside of the fence grazing alongside the llamas. I however have never seen them sharing their hay bale with the deer as of yet!

Our weather is mild and we are expecting rain and fog, turning to snow sometime tomorrow.

Today, we were reminded how precious life can be when a young 9 year old girl that was known by our daughter Ricki and her family in Ocean Shores, WA died last night of a brain aneurysm, rocking there little community. Our thoughts and prayers are for you and the family who lost their little girl.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Mild Weather is easy on the woodpile!

Well, today brought a southerly wind, that will begin warming us up over the next few days, with a chance of some rain on Thursday of this week.
The big thing with this warm weather is that my wood use in the wood stove is reduced considerably, almost to the point I could fill it once a day. Which is nice, as I will be cutting more wood sometime this winter, at least a couple of loads, and if the snow goes down a bunch, I can get back into the woods sooner.
I cut most of my wood on our property this year, across the little red bridge that crosses the creek which feeds into Coffee Lake. I try to only cut trees that are showing signs of disease, like birch blight or oak wilt, or really mature Poplar trees. By taking this down before they start to fall apart, I can salvage some good solid wood, that provides a lot of heat.

I also clean up anything that is blown over in wind storms or that heavy snows take down. The biggest thing is getting close to it, so I can haul it out without carrying it to far. I split my larger wood by hand, before I load it, much easier on my back. I also have used my truck and father-in-law's skid steer, when I can get it, to skid the logs or parts of the trees to an easier spot for cutting, splitting and loading. The picture above was taken the after the 2nd weekend in November.

I also had to fetch a new round bale of hay tonight, after getting home from work, for the animals. The last bale last 10 days,another side effect of milder weather, so they are good to go for another 9-10 days!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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Addition to a Collection!

Well, it was a pretty uneventful day, and the picture above is of the old out house located on the Stanley Farm, where we celebrated Christmas yesterday.

This picture will become a part of a collection, which is various pictures Crystalie, has taken pictures of outhouses, at various friends and in our travels. Our small bathroom in the house has a little book with the prints in it, along with other outhouse pictures on the wall, an outhouse calendar, and some small outhouse replica's in various sizes and shapes.
All which were gifts or purchases at little shops, but it is a cute and fun collection.

Just another little secret about life on Coffee Lake Farm, and if you ever come to visit ask to see our little outhouse, it will surely bring a smile to your face!

The weather was mild and about 20 degrees, did a little shoveling on my roof, where some ice was building up, spread some salt over the ice to help it melt off the roof, also got my lights on my JD tractor to work, so if I have to plow snow at night again, I can see what I am doing.

Good Night!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

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Christmas Day

Merry Christmas to All, I hope your day was filled with the joy and wonder of love and happiness.

We celebrated our Christmas day with the tradition of being with the Stanley family at the home they grew up in east of Aitkin about 7 miles.

We of course had great food and desserts and shared the joy of the youngest nieces and nephews opening the gifts they received. Lots of stories and lots of laughs, along with some activity outside, helping with some chores that Faith, Crystalie's mom needed done. But it was short work for the group of us.

Merry Christmas, from all the inhabitants of Coffee Lake Farm!

Friday, December 24, 2010

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Well, a day off because of the Christmas Holiday, and took advantage of the mild weather, mid 20's today. I worked plowing some snow and cleaning up some other spots.
The top picture is the driveway, it goes into the trees and is about a 1/4 mile from the house to the township road, if not a little more. The middle picture is the yard between the house and shop and back barn studio, which I try to keep open for maneuvering around with the trucks.
The last picture is my JD 425 garden tractor all set-up for snow plowing, as you can see it is weighted down, but has lots of power to push snow around. I did have a breakdown this morning, I had a hydraulic fitting on the cylinder that angles the blade that cracked, spraying oil all over when I moved it. So I took the fitting off, ran up to Aitkin, and NAPA had a fitting, and I picked up some oil to replace, what I lost. Returned home and replaced the part, and was back plowing after about 8o minutes.
I spend time pushing the snow further back in the trees, to give me room to move more, in the future, which sounds like later this next week.
Crystalie, is busy making bread for Christmas dinner at her mom's house tomorrow for the Stanley Family Christmas. I finished wrapping some presents, and we played a game of Scrabble on the real board. The whole family, plays a lot of online Scrabble, but Crystalie and I also play a game on the real board when time allows. I won this one today, came down to the last couple of plays.
Coffee Lake Farm wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Safe Travels!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Pecking order!

Well, we should all feel fortunate, that we have manners, (anyhow most of us) as at least we can all dine together!

When I feed the llamas grain on occasion, there is a pecking order that is well established, in the girl llama pen and it is as follows....

Dolly the oldest female, then Nina her latest offspring 2 years old is allowed to eat next to her, then she will let Lilly a younger female which is Latte's daughter sneak some out of the corner But she will put her ears back and give her the evil stare...if she is to aggressive snarfing up what she can reach. Latte, which is Dolly's daughter, is the last to get in, and it is usually after Dolly steps away from the feed bunk.

So be thankful, that the same logic does not apply at your Christmas Dinner, as you will find your mother eating by herself until she is full, and then maybe some of the children will eat before you do!

Guys, if there are any males in the pen, they are the last to get to the feedbunk!

Have a great Christmas Dinner and remember to be thankful that we don't abide by the llama pecking order!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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As you can see we have our winter greeter in our driveway, just as you start leave the township road into our driveway!
We enjoyed the company of Marorie and Dutchie, also tonight for a wonderful supper prepared by Crystalie. We have made it one of our holiday traditions to get together with our dear friend Marjorie, a retired school teacher who lives a little over a mile from the Wooden Nichols store. We both share many interests with Marjorie and she in her own right is a great cook also, and we have enjoyed some nice meals at her home located on the north shore of Mille Lacs Lake.
We enjoyed, homemade pumpkin soup, with an olive bread, and also broccoli with a butter red pepper topping, baked salmon, with smashed potatoes and parsnips. we enjoyed dessert later, a peppermint ice cream with a small junk of candy cane, and also a small cookie with it. Along with some wine, and some coffee, and also Crystalie and Marjorie enjoyed a small glass of Chocolate Wine.
We exchanged our gifts and enjoyed the time to visit and catch up on things going on in each others lives. Thank you Marjorie and Dutchie!
We had a partly sunny day and it was in the high 20's and the roads cleaned up nicely this afternoon considering we had a bunch of snow 2 days ago!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Snow Removal Time!

We ended up with up 7-8 inches of fresh snow, no snirt just snow.

It even rained a little this morning on top of it all, but not much. The roads needless to say going to work today were slick with snow and slush, due to the mild temperatures.

I arrived home today, and got my 425 JD mower with a snow blade on it out and proceeded to plow out our yard. If it wasn't dark, I would have taken some pictures, so you can see how much plowing I end up doing it took about an hour and a half to get everything cleared away. Maybe Friday when I have the day off I will shoot some pictures. I have perfected the JD in to a great snow pushing machine, heavy duty chains, on the rear tires and rear weights to offset the front end weight of the snow blade, so I can push quite a bit of snow with the 55 inch blade.

Work was busy today with a couple of appointments and various job projects in the works, that require, a lot of detail.

Looking forward to tomorrow night, we invited our friend Marjorie and her dog Dutchie, over for our annual holiday get together! Sounds like Martha, (Crystalie) has a 3-4 course meal planned, so it will be special!

Temps today were in the 20-30 degree range, and it sounds like it will be mild tomorrow also, which will help clean up the roadways!

Monday, December 20, 2010

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The mystery machine!

Well thanks to all those who took a guess at what I am trying to make with scrap from Crystalie's Dad!

But here is a picture of something I hope to make... a flail manure spreader. The goal is to have something small enough to pull with the garden tractor, and yet be able to spread my llama manure piles, across some of the larger parts of the yard I mow. These spreaders tend to break up the manure into small pieces and with mowing and some smoothing, I can add some much needed nutrient to my yard and built up my sandy soil. And use up some of the stuff that keeps piling up around here!
Well, today had us waiting for the snow storm, that was supposed to drop close to 6-8 inches of new fluffy snow. Oh yeah, I can get my snow plow machine out tomorrow!
Our treat for the day was to go to my Ruttgers Holiday Party for being a part time employee this last year, in the reservations department and front desk area. It was a small get together of the two departments but, it was good to see some of the women I worked with, only two of us guys between the two departments. Crystalie and I arrived at 5:00pm, and enjoyed a beverage prior to dinner, and then sat down to a turkey sandwich meal with a seafood salad, also and then choice of a yummy chocolate cake for dessert, and even got some extra dessert to bring home. It only lasted about 2 hours but we enjoyed it and left very full, with left overs and some nice wine also.
So it is still snowing and it will be interesting to see how much we get!

Sunday, December 19, 2010



Well with any property and stuff, there is always maintance, so I spent sometime this morning taking care of some things.

I had to replace my wiring on my truck for my trailer lights, since the cold weather caused some of my wires to snap off on my connection on the back of the truck. Also took care of some repairs to one of our living room chairs.

Kind of a lazy day today, and enjoying the chance to watch some football on TV and also did some gift wrapping, for you know who.

Doing some research online for some John Deere information, in regards to hydralic pumps, for a project that I have Crystalie's Dad(Jim) gathering some materials for, since he is in the scrap business, he comes across a lot of metal stuff
So here is the shopping list I gave him...
A steel barrel in good shape
Some angle iron pieces
hydralic pump
a two wheel axle with wheels that can be resized
a piece of 1 1/2 inch pipe 4 feet long at least

So any idea's on what I am trying to make?
Post a guess...

One clue it will be pulled by my JD garden tractor

Weather today, about 2 above this morning, and a high of about 13 above, with clouds and light snow falling every so often, not in any amount though, supposed to get some snow tomorrow.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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Told you they would be happy!

Well as you can see, they are all happy that they have their new hay bale, and enjoying the mild weather

As for my day, Crystalie and I went to St Cloud, to my brother Neal's house, for a visit with him and his wife Claudia and also their oldest daughter Michelle. We drove down for some serious shopping at one of Crystalie's supply stores--Crafts Direct. It was the first time for Crystalie to see the new house Neal and Claudia moved into this last fall also.

We arrived right around noon, had some light lunch at the house and Crystalie got the tour of the house, and then all the women headed to Craft's Direct, for some serious shopping and Neal and I ran to a few stores, for some shopping also.
We then all met back at the house for supper, steaks on the grill and a fresh salad and sweet potatoes, along with gingerbread cake for dessert. With some conversation about stores and music, and concert memories we all enjoyed After that it was time to head home.
Got home about 10:00 pm and of course we had some happy dogs to greet us, and a warm house. Thanks to Neal and Claudia and Michelle, for great company and the nice meals today!
Weather was good with an overcast sky and 3 above for a low and about 20 above during the day.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Dinner Guest

Well, today is Friday and Crystalie, had invited her Dad over for supper, as a treat for his birthday a few days ago. So we had a nice meal of roast beef and venison roast, along with roasted root vegetables and some fresh warm cornbread. For dessert we had chocolate pie, with whip cream topping and chocolate sauce dribbled on it, her dad's favorite pie!

We had a nice visit showing him all the pictures from Crystalie's recent trip to Ocean Shores where her daughter Ricki, her husband Grant(happy birthday) and with the two grandughters Rebekah and Ashley all live. The food was great also, Crystalie is a great cook, and loves to work in the kitchen when it is for someone special or for a family event! We all appreciate your efforts dear.

I got my bale of hay fed to the llamas and horse and I will post a picture tomorrow of all their happy stuffed bellies and happy faces. If they pull their noses out of the bale long enough, not that they are starving as you will see!

I also picked up more dog treats and some grain to feed the animals also, it is more of a treat for them, and with Christmas and New Years coming up, need to make sure they get their gift also!

Well, weather wise it was a a mild day by Minnesota December Day
standards, it was 10 above this morning and got to about 20 for a high A little bit of wind and partly cloudy, so it felt a little colder. But any day above Zero is a good day in December!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Llamas and woodstove!

Well, work today was busy with delivering our Range Printing Christmas cards, and saying hi to friends and customers. Also worked on some other projects and setting up appointments for next week.

Once home, I did outside chores checked the hay ring for the animals and made sure they could reach what is left, tomorrow AM they get another new big round bale to feed on.

I buy my hay from a friend, who is actually married to Crystalie's old employer. Jeff and Debbie Scharrer, and there little boy Carson. It involves me taking my trailer up to his house and he loads a bale in the middle of it, and I haul it home and roll it off my trailer onto the spot where the hay ring needs to sit so both pens of Llamas and the horse can access it, yet keeping one male Llama away from the female Llamas. We have to get him fixed yet, which will be this spring sometime.

Here is a rundown of our Llama's names by age

Dolly, maternal female

Latte, daughter of Dolly

Scooter Pavo, an adapted male we used to sire Latte and Dolly

Regalo, our first offspring, a male and he was a gift, Dolly was carrying him and no one new till he arrived in mid November

Pepper, another male

Paco, another male

Pedro, another male, the one who needs to be fixed

Lily, our first female, Latte's offspring

Nina, our last born llama, female also

I think that makes 9 in all and of course one horse named Bucky, a mare.

Well these 10 animals can go through about a 900 lb round hay bale in 8-9 days, and about 100 gallons of fresh water in a week. Watering is easier these days as I now have an outdoor hydrant closer to the heated water tank. I have a 75 ft garden hose I store in the back of my woodstove outer shell, on a little rack, that keeps it nice and warm and flexible and ready to go when I hook it up and unroll it on the snow and frozen ground. It takes about 15 minutes to fill the tank, and then I disconnect the hose and hang it in the back of the woodstove shed, this all has to be done at least two times a week. The picture is from earlier this fall of my woodpile and the little gray woodstove shed that keeps us toasty warm all winter and preheats our hot water also.
Weather: about -5 last night and almost up to 20 above during the day, down right balmy this afternoon, not much of a wind also. Good Ice fishing weather, if you enjoy that sort of thing!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Welcome home committee!

Well any dog owner knows when you are gone for part of the day, and come driving down the driveway you always have a welcome home committee. These two are the Official welcome to Coffee Lake Farm Greeters, Tootsie and Smarkle, they meet me about 50 yards from the house and then run alongside the truck, or in front of it sometimes.

They anxiously await for my door to open and then both of them have their feet on the rocker panel and their heads in my face, welcoming me home each and every time I am gone, for work or otherwise. It is great to be so loved

The next thing they do though is make sure they sniff around, to make sure I don't have some leftover lunch sitting close by. Since I am in my truck for work a lot, I eat on the go, so a few french fries or part of a sandwich, may just be laying around, is the thought that races through their little heads! If there is of course, they get it, which of course makes them even happier.

Tootsie is our whiner, she is constantly whining, about going out or coming in, and since she is older she really doesn't like to be outside unless, I am outside especially when it is cold.

Smarkle, is just pure puppy energy, she runs to do everything, when she follows my lawn tractor around she runs ahead and then runs back then ahead again, checks on if Tootsie is following, bothers her then runs way ahead to where she thinks I might go, if I turn she runs back twice as fast. Needless to say I wish she would share some of it some days. Her other passion is to retrieve of course, and we have numerous tennis balls floating around the yard, although many of them are under a foot of snow or in a pile of pushed up snow now. With the cold, they become frozen round ice cubes with her slobber on them, so now she has opted to play fetch with an old plastic batting cage softball size ball. Which is hard, but doesn't collect moisture and stays relatively clean. So if I stop in one place to long when she has the ball it ends up rolling between my feet or over them. Nice thing about this ball it rolls good on the compacted ice and snow of our plowed out yard, meaning it goes a ways before she can slow it down to pick it up! But of course she runs faster to pick it up, and then slows down on her way back to relish the prize she has retrieved. The problem is she can do this for along time, before she gets tired and it's to cold to stand around and play fetch, but we do a little every night!

When, I do my chores outside, they follow me around, and Smarkle, is always trying to get Tootsie to wrestle or play by chewing on her collar or grabbing on her back legs, but Tootsie just ignores her for the most part I have tried to minimize Smarkle's efforts by keeping her busy with me playing fetch or just petting her as we walk around the yard.

When I come in the house, they come into the back porch where there beds are, and I go to my treat bin that is outside and bring in a treat, and after they sit for me, which is like lighting fast, they get their treat and start crunching on them immediately. After that they settle down and a lot of times Smarkle will cuddle with Tootsie for a nice nap or the night!

There will be many more posts on these two.

Weather today about -5 overnight last night and about 15 above today, sounds the same for the next few days, maybe even a little warmer during the days!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Christmas Decorating

I arrived home today to find our house all lit up inside with all the splendor of Christmas.
I had moved in most of our decorations for the holiday season on Sunday morning, and we let the boxes warm up and Crystalie began some of her decorating yesterday but today she did the living room and also the two Christmas Trees, we have in the house one in our bedroom, and also one in the living room. Those of you who have been here know that our house is transformed with the talents of Crystalie, her sense of style and ability to make things look so perfect. Her daughter refers to her as Martha often, and everyone who knows her agrees.
Our tree in the living room is filled with antique ornaments, we have collected over the years, and also gifts we have given each other, another one of our little traditions of buying each other an ornament for xmas. Which include ornaments of our interests or collectibles we have found making for some unique ornaments and also some precious finds.
Most of the Santa collections both the Green(pictured above) and Red ones are displayed in the living room, along with snowman scattered throughout the house, and also the nativity scene and other fun collections are scattered throughout the house! It is hard not to get in the holiday spirit when you live in a home that is transformed into Christmas!
Outside it was a cold day about -10 this morning and got to about 7 above, only good thing, sunshine all day and not much of wind all day.
All the animals handle the cold well, and checked water tank to make sure the heater is working and of course filled the woodstove very full to last the cold night!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Who we are!

This is me and my lovely wife Crystalie This was taken at my youngest daughter Raquel's wedding in Nov of 2009. I work for Lake Country Journal and Range Printing, my lovely wife is the sole proprietor of a shop called Wooden Nichols (seasonal business May-Nov each year).

I have three girls, all grown and married and Crystalie has one daughter also who is married, and we also have 4 granddaughters between us and a grandson on the way in March of 2011.

You will get to see and hear a lot about our family when they visit Coffee Lake Farm or when we go visit them.
My goal is to write an entry for each day in 2011, and also to apprise you of things going on at Coffee Lake Farm or CLF, and of course some weather reports, and thoughts of the days that go by. So I hope you enjoy it all!