The top picture is the driveway, it goes into the trees and is about a 1/4 mile from the house to the township road, if not a little more. The middle picture is the yard between the house and shop and back barn studio, which I try to keep open for maneuvering around with the trucks.
The last picture is my JD 425 garden tractor all set-up for snow plowing, as you can see it is weighted down, but has lots of power to push snow around. I did have a breakdown this morning, I had a hydraulic fitting on the cylinder that angles the blade that cracked, spraying oil all over when I moved it. So I took the fitting off, ran up to Aitkin, and NAPA had a fitting, and I picked up some oil to replace, what I lost. Returned home and replaced the part, and was back plowing after about 8o minutes.
I spend time pushing the snow further back in the trees, to give me room to move more, in the future, which sounds like later this next week.
Crystalie, is busy making bread for Christmas dinner at her mom's house tomorrow for the Stanley Family Christmas. I finished wrapping some presents, and we played a game of Scrabble on the real board. The whole family, plays a lot of online Scrabble, but Crystalie and I also play a game on the real board when time allows. I won this one today, came down to the last couple of plays.
Coffee Lake Farm wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Safe Travels!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Are any of the original parts left on that tractor?!