Pecking order!

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Well, we should all feel fortunate, that we have manners, (anyhow most of us) as at least we can all dine together!

When I feed the llamas grain on occasion, there is a pecking order that is well established, in the girl llama pen and it is as follows....

Dolly the oldest female, then Nina her latest offspring 2 years old is allowed to eat next to her, then she will let Lilly a younger female which is Latte's daughter sneak some out of the corner But she will put her ears back and give her the evil stare...if she is to aggressive snarfing up what she can reach. Latte, which is Dolly's daughter, is the last to get in, and it is usually after Dolly steps away from the feed bunk.

So be thankful, that the same logic does not apply at your Christmas Dinner, as you will find your mother eating by herself until she is full, and then maybe some of the children will eat before you do!

Guys, if there are any males in the pen, they are the last to get to the feedbunk!

Have a great Christmas Dinner and remember to be thankful that we don't abide by the llama pecking order!

One Comment

  1. Yeah...good times. Dolly IS THE QUEEN!!