Coffee Lake Contractor

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I accepted a construction job, that my brother Bill and his wife Kathy, wanted to do, it is building a deck around their above ground pool. So I loaded up my trailer with my assortment of tools including my radial arm saw.

I headed to the cities on Saturday morning right away, and arrived at around 9:00 am, the materials were on their way so I unloaded my trailer, and got the saw down to the work area.
The weather forecast called for rain off and on all day and I wanted to protect my saw and tools from a lot of rain.

Bill and I constructed a shelter made from some of our building materials and a tarp I brought with me, below you can see it is getting well used, and no sooner we got it put together it began to to rain, and it rained off and on all afternoon.
The pool is a 19 sided circular shaped polygon, and you can see this shot of the setup for the first ring around the pool. The post is trimmed down about 9 degrees on each side to compensate for the angles and to get the brackets attached to the post more securely.

After day one you can see below we got all 19 posts, set on their blocks and the first header ring for all the deck floor joists in place. A very time consuming process, and of course we had to haul the materials we used all down from his driveway, to the pool area, and to our work area.

Day 2 started around 7;15 am and we began putting the second and outer ring in place around the exterior of the landscaped area. We started where the pump station is for the pool and worked clockwise around the exterior. Placing more posts and also the another joist support between them and then actually placing the joists for the deck boards like spokes going out to the outer distance.

This is where we got to on the far right side of the pool, and it shows how the floor is going together. The long posts will be the rail posts, as there is about an 8 foot drop or more from the terraced edge that the pool sits on.

So after two days we have about 2/3 of the framing completed and the 1/3 we have left is going to be quicker work, as most of that will sit on the terraced wall that you see on the bottom edge of the pool in some of the other pictures.

Lots to do yet, but it is definitely taking shape and everything is very level and solid!

One Comment

  1. Looks really good Rory, you are quite a builder, I am very proud of you, you do all things well.