Seeded garden is coming up, Jennifer!


Well, Jennifer those seeds and onion sets we planted are starting to peak through the ground, I noticed it yesterday and took some pictures today after getting home form work at R. today!

Above is a Zucchini plant coming up....

These are green or yellow beans peaking through...

Sunflowers starting out fast and looking good....

Radishes, starting to pop out of the ground and won't take long to grow.

These are the yellow onions, but there are a few of the red ones starting to show through also.

It is cool to see that they are off to a fast start, and in a couple of weeks I will beginning the weeding and any thinning I need to do.

Thanks for all your help Jennifer, I thought you would enjoy seeing the progress!


  1. In a couple months, we will be begging people to take zuchinni! I love the garden.

  2. Thanks for the update dad! It was great to help plant the garden this year and I'm definitely looking forward to eating the benefits!