Our lives at Coffee Lake Farm revolves around some of the many things we collect, Crystalie has numerous collections of things.
Coffee Tins, old scales, certain prints, various books, blue bottles, green bottles, stuffed llama toys, old wooden blocks that all kids had, tea cups, dishes with pine cones in their pattern, chickadee items, stain glass snowflakes, old buffalo china ( the kind used in old cafe's) and numerous other ones. I do collect some buffalo images and statues and other buffalo stuff, but her collections far outweigh mine, and it makes it easy for me to find gifts for her!
But maybe one of her more unique collections is little miniature outhouses and also her little picture book of outhouses.
So when ever we go somewhere or she does, and she sees an old outhouse she takes a picture or two of them and I then take the digital file to Walgreen's and print off a copy of it to put it in her little postcard size photo album,
So the two outhouses you see are new additions to her collection. These are both located on lots on Round Lake just to the NW of Wooden Nichols. She was touring Nancy Lehman's flower gardens and noticed her outhouse and her neighbors outhouse. So of course she snapped these two pictures for her collection.
Thursday, August 11, 2011 | 2 Comments
Thursday, August 11, 2011
and thimbles,coffe pot glass tops,little old men,48 star flags,christmas books,santas,snowmen,white pottery,OH...I could go on and onnnn......
Friday, August 12, 2011
I can't possibly tell you all my collections...the list would be embarassingly long. But fun! :)