

Where does the time go, it seems like Friday hardly gets done and Sunday night is here!

We did have visitors last night, my brother Neal and his wife Claudia, came up to visit, they now live in St Cloud, so we can get together more often. We spent the night fixing supper, which were some nice steaks Neal bought and also some corn on the cob. We made a salad and had various treats including ice cream later in the evening. I almost forgot Kiki their schnoodle was with them and she enjoyed playing with Smarkle!

We spent time visiting about our busy lives, and the upcoming trip to Chicago to see their daughter Michelle get married. And all the plans to go with that, Claudia has been busy sewing, making alterations to the dresses. Things are going nicely and it will be our mini-vacation this summer as we are taking the Amtrak Train from Staples to Chicago.

We also played a game of Scrabble, which requires Neal and Claudia to be good sports has they are not as skilled as Crystalie and I are and they usually take a beating. But they are trying to learn the strategies involved in the game along learning their two letter words! Crystalie eeked out a victory over me, but it was one of the closer games we played!

After that a little TV and a good nights sleep. We awoke to a beautiful sunny morning and fresh coffee. I had to work at R and Crystalie was off to Wooden Nichols...Neal and Claudia went and checked out their camper and bummed around before heading back to St Cloud!

A short but very welcome visit, as we always have a lot of fun and enjoy each other's company!