Firewood season


I spent an hour and half tonight after arriving home from work, putting a new blade on my chainsaw.

This isn't the exact model of my chainsaw but it is pretty close to the same style. Mine is now 15 years old and still running great!

Then I cleaned out my little utility trailer and headed out into the woods with Tootsie and Smarkle following me. There was an old dead popple tree across the lake, and over on the point to the west of the farm. I cut that down and loaded up what was worth burning in the wood stove. Made the trip back to the stove and unloaded it.

I then headed out to the east of the house across the pasture to cut up a smaller oak tree that had fallen on the fence last spring.  Again my two companions came with and we had another loaded trailer and headed back.

It is just some dry wood to feed the wood stove as the days get cooler, and with company our hot water usage will go up some, and our stove preheats all our hot water. But it is only the start of many hours of cutting and prepping wood for this next winter!