Frost Warnings!


So I open my big mouth about the Harvest Moon, which was full last night, and then this morning they have frost warnings out for our central Minnesota area.

Needless to say, Crystalie spent the day picking garden veggies, with some help, Sister-in-law Kay came over and got a whole bunch of stuff, and our friend Judy Mans, came out also and picked some tomatoes.
Crystalie picked a bunch of tomatoes that we put on a table in our shop, that will get some sun, when I open the big door. The sun will hopefully finish adding some nice red color to them!

When I got home, I moved a bunch of it around for her, and also covered some of the plants with tarps for the next two nights, and hopefully they will survive.

I am kind of excited, if we do get a frost, to see what is uncovered in my Pumpkin  Patch and walls of Gourd Vines!