A day with Miles, Addy and Livia! and Raquel, Misty and Crystalie!

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Today was a family day for Crystalie and I, daughter Raquel and her little man Miles, came to MN last Thursday and we took time to go see them at Misty's and Chris's in the cities. Below is l-r Livia, Miles and Addy!

Below I am saying Hi to Miles, as he woke up from a nap this morning when we arrived
around 11:00 am. 
Then we all got ready for the short walk over to Como Zoo and ComoTown!
Miles is getting situated with the help of Raquel.

We saw orangutan's and other monkeys!

Seahorses and various fish!

Bison, and other large animals like lions, tigers and bears, Oh MY!

We also took time to walk through the Conservatory, full of various plants and flowers.
Here are the girls in front of a bunch of lilies!

 The outside fo the magnificent Conservatory!
We then headed over to ComoTown so the girls good enjoy some of the rides, below is the Frogger..it lifts you up and simulates dropping you, over and over again..

Then I rode with Livia and Addy on what is called the Tornado, where you go around and you can spin your own swinging carriage as much as you want.

Then it was on to the Tilt-A-Whirl, where there was lots of screaming!

Mr Miles, was so good all day but was either beginning to cut some teeth, because he started running a fever and wasn't to hungry late afternoon, but he still could smile!

We then joined Chris, at the Blue Door Pub and had supper together, before Crystalie and I said our goodbyes and headed back to Coffee Lake Farm! 

One Comment

  1. Awwwww! So cute! Love the pictures with you riding the rides with the girls. You're such a kiddo!
    Love, Jennifer