Nice weather and a busy day with the "To Do" List


We got a little rain last night and woke up to a beautiful sunny morning and the temps to rice to 70 degrees today!

So I began my work on my To Do List,

First item head over to Wooden Nichols and start the water system up, and replace a sillcock on the outside of the building. I got over their before 9 and worked on the sillcock, and started up the pump.
While the system was getting filled up and getting to pressure, I worked on removing the old dead hops vine on the walkway arbor.
After that I worked on some lights inside the store and also removed some grapevine from the timbers, in the larger area of the store. I also replace a bulb in one fo the halogen lights.

Shortly after 11:00 am the system was full and the hot water heater was working. I stopped in Garrison for some lunch stuff and headed home.

We had lunch and then I began work on some items Crystalie needed fixed up for projects she is working on for the store.

I opened up our well cistern and cleaned out some sand and replaced the insulation board that was attached to the lid. Took about an hour to finish it all.

After that I finished some more Crystalie projects, and then started up the garden tractor, so I could spread lime on the main garden plot. I bout 2 50lb bags at a garage sale last summer and kept it nice and try and used my fertilizer spreader that bull behind the garden tractor.

Calcium is a very important nutrient for good Tomatoes and peppers, so I try to add some calcium to the garden dirt every two years. After that I cleaned things up a bid, and put the tractor away.

I then cleaned up our washing machine fountain on the back deck and hooked up the pump, and got it going again! It is always nice hearing the trickling water on the back deck.

After that I played with Smarkle some throwing the ball into the lake and then I also brushed Bucky down to get rid of old hair and clean her up a little bit. She enjoyed every minute of it!

Then into the house to prep supper..hamburgers for the grill and then Crystalie and I sat on the back deck with some salsa chips and a very competitive game of Scrabble! which I pulled out a win on the last play of the game!

A busy but very productive day!


  1. Never ending jobs for you Rory - you are unbelievable! Deck is looking good still - survived the mild winter well - we should talk about how I should stain it coming up here soon! Your little brother - Bill!

  2. good thing you have Crystalie to keep finding jobs for you-lol ha ha ha-love you :)