A Grandaughter Day!

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I mentioned a little bit ago we had company, and while they are here, a specail event was on the calendar and Rebekah and I had last Saturday to take in the Ballet Recital "Imagination" of Livia and Addy's in the Twin Cities!
But first I decided to make a day of it for Rebekah and I, so we left Coffee Lake Farm, 8:30 am on Saturday morning and took my truck down to Falcon Heights, MN to My Daughter Misty's home.
From there we walked over to Como Zoo and Rebekah and I went through the Zoo together, had lunch there and then went to ComoTown...the mini-midway that is part of the Zoo and Como Park!

Rebekah, enjoyed many of the rides, including the bumper cars, the tilt-a-whirl...twice, the tornado, the roller coaster and the frogger along with the swings. of course Grandpa went with her on most of them.
After our 3 and 1/2 hours at the zoo and comotown, we were off to see the Ballet!

The group above has both Livia and Addy in it, as Livia was the leader of this group and she is front and center. Addy is in the middle back of this bunch! They did a great job and their costumes were really cool!

The group above is the group of Livia's age and talent level, and they performed two different numbers one in these springy green costumes and another in some blue whimsical outfits, which my pictures were not the best due to lighting. Another great job!

There were 82 girls in various age groups and all the performances were great, Rebekah enjoyed it all and was very impressed by the costmes and the ballet performances!

After the ballet, we went back to Misty and Chris's to enjoy a light supper that was prepared by Chris, joing the other family members who attended. Rebekah got to spend some additional time with her cousins and we enjoyed the whole day of course. We then hopped back in the truck and headed back to Coffee Lake Farm, where we arrived around 8:45 pm, a long day and lots of miles but it was worth all the smiles and laughs we shared and the great ballet performances! Oh by the way the two performances were sold out!

One Comment

  1. great post, I know she'll remember that day always :)