The Newest Arrivals at Coffee Lake Farm!

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Here is the first arrival, right on the rug just outside our front door this morning!

Aftr that Crystalie moved Gracie and her new arrival into the basket with a nice soft blanket in it, that was located on the front porch. After that Gracie went back to work and kitten number one has 4 more to keep her company, so yes we have 5 new kittens!

We have two Calico, one gray tabby, one black and white, and also a gray and white tabby also!

So Rebekah, our guess of 3 was wrong Gracie gave us two extra!

Above is exhausted Gracie and her bunch of little furballs! This will give me some extra blogging material, as Gracie loves laying around on the front porch deck and it will be easy to watch them grow and change daily!

One Comment

  1. LOL Rebekah is squealing like a little piglet. They are adorable!