

Well we have endured some wet weather and we have been enjoying the sunshine and dryer weather and not to hot, which is coming next the way it sounds.

The garden and sod replanting have all done pretty well, and we have not had to water at all, except potted plants close to the house. Which is good for the lectric bill, and also a lot less monkey business moving a hose around the yard.

Our kittens are growing, but not wandering around much yet, mama is keeping them close to her. She moved them once but we brought them back up on our porch deck. Their eyes are open and their ears are starting to stand up some.

We have enjoyed some family visiting the last couple of weekends and that is a nice break, especially when they invite us to dinner or fix us dinner here at Coffee Lake Farm. Which is great and a little less we have to do, on the busy weekends.

I am keeping up with the mowing of the two yards, and even have had time to mow the first llama lot to clean up the weeds and also mow down the tall grass....it just looks nicer.

I also have had numerous Wooden Nichols projects, all the way from power washing old windows and boxes and also iron wheels. I did also paint some old wood trunks with a air sprayer, that I have had for years and never used it, and it went pretty well. So I anticipate doing more items with it in the future.

So you can see that life is still busy here at Coffee Lake Farm, and the summer is just beginning!

Next week is July 4th week, and work will be a little slower due to vacations and the 4th falling on Wednesday. My plan is to do some garden weeding and feeding, along with some other yard work, and probably have some Wooden Nichol projects also...