Cold day outside!


We awoke this morning to an overnight low of -13 which, was one of the coldest days we have had this January. We have seen colder of course but anytime it gets that cold, things move a little slower, including me all bundled up, while out doing my chores.

The animals were all fine and enjoyed the bright sunshine during the day, you can tell the darkness of the fur was absorbing every little bit of heat the sunshine provided. Not a cloud in the sky all day.

Not much going on here otherwise, I did fill the water tank today, and of course filled the woodstove a couple of times today. Football playoffs again on TV along with some scrabble both online and on the actual board.

Hope everyone had a safe and warm weekend!


  1. Do I need to take some more winter scenes for you? used the same shot in 2 posts! I would, but as you pointed out- it's cold out there!!