On the Road!


Well, I was out on the road today for my work on Lake Country Journal ad sales. I went through a town with this handsome fellow in it and you can see he is a little cold also!

Check-out the icicles on his hat....anyhow I know you all would recognize who this is, Paul Bunyan of course...but where is he located??

Any guesses???

All in all a good day visited with about 10 different people, some good conversations and some were a little cold...but in sales you concentrate on the positive....

I also followed a pickup today that was owned by a butchering company and yes you guessed it they had fresh hanging halves of a cow in the back..I snapped a pic, but I was a little to far away...anyhow all you would say would be ewwwww....


  1. You're right...EWWWW. Only in farm country. Although.....fresh hamburger mmmmm.

  2. I wanted to guess Vining, but I think there are too many trees in the back.