Smarkle and Tootsie


Dogs can be so special!

When I get home, they hear me come in and Tootsie begins whining, loudly mind you, I have to go back and pet them and then let them outside, so they can go check to see if I left anything out for them to eat, and to check out my truck. You know smell the tire in case I was around another dog.

When they are ready to come in Tootsie will sit and whine by the living room window, and this is not just some whimpering, this sounds like she is going to die, unless she can get in back in the house where it is nice and warm...she doesn't like the cold or the dark...sometimes I think the dark is more of the whining then the cold.

All the while they are outside, Smarkle is jumping on or pestering Tootsie. The only time she isn't is when she is playing fetch or when she is checking out the yard or even the llama pen. She likes wandering through the Llama pen in the mornings, she actually tries to get them to play with her sometimes, by fake jumping at them and they either back up a little or they just stand there and look at her.

Crystalie, snapped these photos of her yesterday in the llama pen, which isn't easy because if she hears the door open she will come running to the house, so these are taken through the window. Crystalie, is my official photographer unless otherwise noted!