Birthday wishes and day!


Well, first of all thank you to all the friends and family for the birthday wishes! Yes it is May 3rd, and 55 years ago I came into this world!

I of course worked today, and the day went well, and seemed to go by fast. And it was definitely a nice day, sunshine and around 60 degrees. So after work I played my first nine holes of golf at Ruttgers as a birthday treat! Hopefully it will be the beginning of many more rounds.

I played the back nine at Ruttgers and shot a 47 which is 2 over bogey golf, I Hit my driver well and most of the mistakes were on the putting green and also some iron shots, but it was great to play and I know I can do better with more practice!

I got home and Crystalie had prepared a great birthday dinner, which you see above, roasted root vegetables and fresh asparagus and oven cooked ribs! Needless to say it was it was all delicious, and then we had a special treat chilled chocolate dipped strawberries and next is cake---Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting!

I of course got some nice gifts but that may be a different post! Don't want to use up all my editorial info on one big entry!

Thanks again to everybody for a great birthday! Thank you Crystalie, for the great dinner and gifts!


  1. Happy Birthday again :) Looks like a great dinner!!

  2. Yay!!! What an awesome day! Your lovely wife whipped up an awesome dinner!