Sunday May 1st


Well, Sunday seemed to be a cold windy and snow flurries in the air off and on, and Crystalie and I both worked at our respective weekend jobs.

We are all alone again now as Raquel, Eric and baby Miles, left us early afternoon to go back to Ann Arbor, MI. We will miss them, but it is also time to settle into our normal Wooden Nichols season, and working at R, along with the projects on my list for the farm and Wooden Nichols.

The day didn't seem like much, but then the late evening development of Osama Bin Laden, being killed by American Forces in Pakistan. The date of May 1st, and it will forever be noted in history as the day, an evil man who killed many innocent lives here and and in the middle east.

My thought is that we should remember those who died rather than him, it made me mad today to see his picture on the front pages, of many of the local and national newspapers. I would have rather seen a list of those who lives were given justice, I think we all remember all the videos and pictures we saw of him, and we didn't need to be reminded of what he looked like.

Hopefully, our children, will not see the likes of someone like him or others who used the lives of the innocent to draw attention to themselves and their desire to control others. God Bless America and the Individuals of the Armed Forces who watch over us!