The new path takes shape!


Today is Sunday, I returned home from a trip to the cities to see my Granddaughters Livia and Adeline perform in their Ballet Recital. I got home and headed over to Wooden Nichols to work with rocks and the new path. Above you see the process of removing the sod, about a 5 foot swath around the Corn Crib Gazebo.

I got all the sod removed from the 5 foot swath, and started placing the rocks.

You can see here we have two rows of rocks, the reason being Crystalie wanted to plant some plants that could climb up the Gazebo, and so I left about a foot of space between the inside ring and the wall of the Gazebo.

I still have some sod and rocks to place behind the large pine tree, the porta potty, will be located against the wall of the building between the two south facing windows. So more to follow.


  1. YOU ROCK!

  2. An Upgraded porta potty....I can't wait to "play store"!