Crazy Weather and the Ice is out!

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Well, as you all know it is not been your typical Northern Minnesota winter, and the last 3 weeks have been unusually warm weather we have seen 80 degrees and no temps below 32 at night.

Which means all the snow is gone and now the ice on Coffee Lake will be totally gone by the end of today..March 24th. It is really weird seeing the ice gone this early, the grass is greening up and the Llamas and Bucky are hardly looking at their hay bale anymore as they pick the fresh grass coming up.

This last week we have had some rainy and dreary weather with lots of fog and drizzle, but it is much needed moisture and has helped green things up even more. When we get some sunshine the grass will start growing faster.

Being it is Saturday, the plan is to put out the bale I have for the animals, and clean up around the yard some more, along with doing some work on my taxes for 2011.

One Comment

  1. Wow! Glad to hear you had a great weather. I love to have this kind of weather also. The sunshine is my favorite. It is a great way to relax and bond with family and pets outside the house.