The Weird Sound in the Kitchen!

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Well you know how once and a while you here a weird sound from something and you don't think much about it. Well yesterday morning while we were having coffee in the living room, our fridge makes this weird clunk sound.

We didn't think much about it till about 5 o'clock when Crystalie noticed things in the freezer were thawing out...yep the compressor on the old fridge died, that was the weird clunk!

Here it is already out the door and on the sidewalk, after of course we emptied everything out, and put some of it into the cooler and left it on the porch...letting our 12 above last night keeping our freezer items nice and cold. The rest, we determined what we needed to put in the fridge in the shop, and what did not need to be refrigerated.

That meant a trip to Brainerd today to go fridge shopping, and below you see our shiny new stainless steel doored fridge and freezer. Which was a purchase at Sears, from a fellow MMBA member, who also enabled us to get 15% off by shopping there.

it is just a little smaller but it has the one essential item in it, and that is an ice-maker, which Crystalie demanded we have in there. We we were very used to having ice when ever we needed it, for ice water and of course other cold beverages!
We did also enjoy a hearty breakfast at the Country Kitchen in Brainerd, before we started our shopping excursion. We went to 3 stores and this was a great price, and I am sure it will serve us well!

One Comment

  1. Nice fridge, I love the stainless steel, I'm jealous!! Deb