First Major Road Trip to See Accounts!


With the new job there is more travel involved and this last Wednesday I made my way to the far eastern edge of my account territory to visit a number of accounts for the first time.

Above is the view of the town of Grand Marais, on the north shore of Lake Superior, which is located 105 miles northeast of Duluth. I worked my way up to Duluth on Wednesday
visiting numerous prospects I am gathering information on for future visits along with estimating a bunch of items for some of the people I spoke with.

Here is the sign for the city of Grand Marais, I know my wife will appreciate the look of this!

I met a lot of great people, and it will be exciting to begin working with them and helping them grow their business and also mine. After my day trip up to grand Marais from Duluth and back down to Duluth, where I spent another night.
This morning I left Duluth, and headed northwest to Grand Rapids to call on more accounts and also
search out some new prospects. It was a great road trip and one that will be a regular route, the only thing I will dread is road construction because it looks like the road to Grand Marais has a few spots where they will be resurfacing the road, and also the summer traffic will be much heavier!
It is always good to get back home!