Disappearing Act


This is another picture my photographer, Crystalie took today. This place is close to her Dad's place, an old farmstead, with the silo and one old building left. The barn is gone, which would have been attached to the silo, much like a barn we lost probably.

This scene always evokes thoughts of, what was it like in it's living days... as now it is just a solemn reminder of the era gone by. Being a farmboy from North Dakota, I have witnessed this all of my life, and even now the farm I grew up on is becoming a similar scene. Buildings disappearing, and tree lines that once were healthy growing trees, have aged and now are rows of trees, that are dead or dying, or broken from the hard winds of the prairie.

I think we all realize, that things change, and as modern technology as evolved we see so many changes in everything we do. As a Midwesterner, or living in fly over land, many of us come from a heritage of a farming community. Which brings us memories of hard work, and a time when work was never done, and there was a long list of daily chores, that demanded much of the time of the day and all of the bodies energy and muscle.

We have felt the joy of raising a crop or livestock, that later provided us substance through the winter. It is a farm thing...a dirt thing...a way of life thing...a way of life that is slowly disappearing...

If you want to see the changes or learn more...National Geographic did and article on North Dakota ...the link is here

If you want to see how hard the life was on the prairie in Minnesota, rent the movie "Sweet Land" a movie that shows what many of our fore fathers and mothers faced day after day.

I don't mean for this to be depressing, but just an acceptance of an era gone by but one that in my memories shares a special place, as it does in many of yours also I hope!