Long day for work!

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The 3rd Tuesday of the month brings my monthly Builders Association meeting, after working during the day.

It was held at the "Old Waterfall Bar" north of Brainerd about 4 miles, about 40-45 people showed up, and enjoyed some social time, a good meal and a presentation on automated lighting systems. Boring right...well it was pretty interesting as the presenter made some great points about lighting in our home and businesses.

Like did you know that buildings over 5000 square feet in size for commercial use are required to install various energy saving technology, to meet federal regulations?

Also lighting systems like the one we saw demonstrated are design to shut lights off as their primary responsibility allowing it to actually help you save power, which means you save money, therefore paying for your lighting control system. As he said we are good at turning lights on but terrible about turning them off when we don't need them.

Anyhow, it was a good meeting and good to see some people, I haven't seen for a bit.

At home the snow continues to melt and the driveway got softer in spots, and the bare spots are getting bigger. Needless to say the Llamas enjoy the sunshine and lay stretched out and sun their bellies...

So enjoy the sunshine and warm weather where you are!

One Comment

  1. Looks good...we had rain and hail today.