Shop time...


I spent most of my time outside in my large shop, worked on clearing some space to cut some plywood, for a project on my list.

But I also spent time cutting some pieces for some birdhouses, using the old barn boards I harvested from the old barn that fell late last fall the picture above.

I spent some time ripping some wide gray boards on the radial arm saw, so I could get even edges to work with, and then I cut some other pieces of the red barn siding boards, into smaller pieces to work on developing some birdhouse fronts. The goal is to create some rustic primitive birdhouses to be sold a Wooden Nichols next spring and summer.
Tomorrow I should have a finished picture of a birdhouse to show you.
Today brought a very sunny day, but the temp only rose to 24 degrees, with a steady breeze from the northeast. It was tolerable outside, and I also got the rest of my firewood logs split and stacked, the main reason to finish it was in case we get a bunch of snow so it will not all get covered up.
We spent lunch time watching a documentary movie called "Which Way Home" the storyline is following 4 young Latino boys as they hope to get to the United States, using the rail system in Mexico as their way to get here. If you want some perspective on how good we have it here in our country, watch this movie, it is on Netflix available for instant watching. Have your children watch it with you, there is some offensive language but they will maybe look at what they have differently.