We enjoyed a nice afternoon walk with Jennifer and Matias and all the dogs, even though it didn't get as nice out yesterday as it was supposed too. But it was refreshing, and the dogs enjoyed checking things out along the driveway.
Jennifer and Matias, treated us to dinner at the Whitehawk Bar and Grill, just a mile away from our house and we enjoyed a nice meal and even got the chance to say hi to some neighbors who were also out for a nice meal.
We came home and had dessert, a tres lache cake Matias made in the afternoon, and we played the Seinfeld Scene-it Game, which I was the winner going away. After that we lounged around and watched a movie, and went to bed. A long and very filling day, with all the food we ate!
Joya, Smarkle and Tootsie, all were exhausted and every one seemed to sleep in this morning.
Waffles and bacon for breakfast, and a chance to catch up on the computer, since the weather is cloudy and drizzle falling, and very wet outside, but hey it is above freezing and the snow is melting away!