Explosions of Color!


4th of July brings lots of explosions of color, but in this case it is in Crystalie's Coffee Lake Farm Flower Garden! Below you can see a batch of Lilies that just burst open in the last day or so.

These orange Calla Lillies, have been blooming about a week now and look so cool!

Here is a closer look at one of the dark red Lilies, the pictures don't do it justice, but it is very bright and so perfect right now!

I hope you enjoyed the explosion of color, thanks Crystalie for supplying some great flowers to take pictures of!


  1. Wow, I've never seen calla lily's like that! Awesome :) Happy 4th to both of you!

  2. Ditto on the Calla Lilies, do you have to dig those up in the fall?? Is that a cabbage nearby?? Deb

  3. yes I believe she does, and it is a decorative kale plant...