Back to mowing grass!


Yep tonight was a night of mowing grass over at Wooden Nichols.

This involves loading my mower in my trailer behind the pickup, driving over to the store and then unloading, the mower and spending about 45 minutes mowing the grass. I will also take the weed whacker, but tonight is was so warm I passed on that, and will have to clean it up next week.

I also trimmed a couple of pesky branches on one of the pin oak trees, that was hanging over the climbing trellis area, and one of the bittersweet plants planted there had just started climbing on to the branch.

So all in all, about an hour's worth of work and then load things back up and the head back. Which involved a stop at the gas station to fill up my lawn tractors gas tank so I could begin the process of mowing grass at Coffee Lake Farm!