Well I told you of the Handyman job I had for our friend Colette, when she had a water issue along her basement sill, due to a water run off problem.
She asked me to install some new rain gutter along the north side of her house. I had picked up all the stuff for the job earlier today and brought it home. Picked up my ladder and headed over to her place and began the work. As you can see I finished it all and installed about 44 feet of rain gutter and I also put in about 17 feet of downspout. With a 4 ft extension and a water baffle out on to the lawn.
Colette's Rain Gutters
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 | 1 comment
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wow you didn't waste any time getting at that. Looks nice I am sure she will be very happy with her Handy Man.