Garden Work

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Finally a time period to work on the vegetable garden and pumpkin patch.

I finished mowing the yard on Saturday the 2nd, and that is freeing up the morning of the 4th of July for some serious garden work.

Starting the tiller up again and going through everything first and then after that, it was time to get the rake and hoe out for some closer weeding work. After that, some hand work also with a little digger in spots I could not get to with a hoe.

The next step is doing some mulching, I had windrowed a bunch of my grass on Saturday night, to provide me with a layer of mulch for some plants, and help hold moisture in and also keep the weeds down.

But that will happen tomorrow morning, as I took the vacation day so I could do some more chores and play some golf with my brother Neal as I worked all weekend at R.

One Comment

  1. Looks great! We need a Trixie update :)