Cold Saturday Morning


Yes, another cold Saturday morning--14 BELOW Zero..this morning.

Not that we are suffering or anything the house is nice and warm, and every one is fed and watered, and of course have a pile of hay to lay around in.

We also have received a little more snow this last week, so things are nice and white, and it has been a pretty cold week. Therefore the woodstove has required a bunch of wood and the woodpile is reducing a little faster now.

I have been busy inside, cleaning up our stove and also putting a crockpot full of Chili for supper together. Yes I do cook, and enjoy making stews and Chili every so often. Between browning up hamburger and softening up some dry beans, pinto and kidney beans, it takes about 90 minutes to prep it all into the crockpot.

This afternoon, I will be putting together some bread dough for a fresh batch of buns or maybe breadsticks!

Their are always some projects to work on around here small and large, but it is usually nicer to work outside when it is a little warmer mid teens and higher. Other than that not much going on around here at Coffee Lake Farm!