Friday the 8th


Friday, was somewhat uneventful, work was not to hectic and I spent the afternoon at the Brainerd Commerce and Industry, and Outdoor Expo. I was visiting with various exhibitors, and seeing who was at the show, for future ad sales for the Lake Country Journal. Real low key, and it was pretty quite in the afternoon and most people were willing to visit, sometimes it is just fun to see how others conduct themselves in a sales role.

When I got home, I worked outside around the yard, put a new chain on my chainsaw for Saturday's project list. Put some finishing touches on some little signs for Wooden Nichols, which just required some little easel pieces to them, to help them stand up on a table.

Played fetch with Smarkle, to give her daily fix of retrieving the ball!

We did watch a movie also last night while we ate our grilled pork chop dinner. The movie was "the Town" it is a really well done movie, and was even nominated for Best Picture this last year.