Morning at Coffee Lake Farm and Llama #2


This morning while I was getting ready to go to work, I noticed the lake was smooth as glass, so I snapped this picture of the neighbors house on the west side of the lake. I think you could almost see the needles on the far pine trees in the reflection.
The sun was still pretty low in the sky, so you see the shadow of the house in the foreground. But it was a beautiful morning blue sky this morning.

When I got home and decided it was time to do another llama, and Pedro here was today's victim of my shears. He our youngest male and he has not been sheared before or handled much. Which turned into a llama rodeo, and he was not very cooperative to get in the shearing stall. Crystalie had to help push him while I pulled with all my weight.

Once in the shoot he behaved pretty well, as he was exhausted, later he got some energy back and when I trimmed his hooves, he was bouncing around a lot.

As you can see I had my normal audience and he is mostly white except for a brown patch on his left side which was facing me. This last picture is a little disgusting and smells worse, you can see he was spitting at me some, and he did get me some when I was getting him in the chute. It is nasty green form the grass and hay and smells pretty bad as it has a lot of his digestive juices mixed with it. Don't mean to be gross, just stating the facts!

I am glad to be done with him already as he is pretty feisty, and he is our only male who is still intact. That takes a trip to the vets office in Garrison to clip those!


  1. AH...yes...llama wars- good times! Nesting balls coming right up..