The List


Well we all make lists usually of things we have to do, and now that Spring seems to be appearing here in northern Minnesota, my list is growing fast.

Here is a rough draft....of the April Project List

Check Llama fence----done Crystalie and I walked it with the dogs

tonight and made some small repairs.Smooth driveway out--I did that last night

Clean yard up in certain spots--began that task but have more to do

Cut some more firewood for woodstove

Turn on water at Wooden Nichols

Assess Repairs needed at Wooden Nichols

Clean Gardens and Yard at Wooden Nichols

Build new Path to Porta Potty a Wooden Nichols

Replace 2 windows at Wooden Nichols

Switch all light bulbs to low energy bulbs at Wooden Nichols also

Begin Shearing Llamas and stock piling the wool --7 Llamas to do

Fix greenhouse door--the bottom needs a board replaced

Help clean green house

Help Clean Flower Gardens at the farm

Start cleaning up Old barn debris, and salvage as much as possible

As you can see this list is long and will have lots of small additions and May's list will have many things new things on it.

I will try to remember to mention tasks that are completed, if I am not to exhausted!


  1. Right now I can't see past an interpreting job tomorrow night, but after that, I could give you a taste of the list here (we do have a son graduating this year)!! :) Your list looks plenty daunting, and I know that everything doesn't make it to the list!!! Sometimes I finish something and think, "Why wasn't THAT on my list?" Then I go add it just so I can cross it off! LOL!

  2. WOOden Nichols REALLY likes you! She should pay you more :)

  3. Good list, at least you won't get bored :)

    I have a pet peeve of people saying "I'm bored"...seriously!