North Dakota Adventure Part 2!

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This is the house I grew up in, in North Dakota, as you can see they had about 4-5 inches of wet packy snow. This was Saturday the 16th, when we took this. We had made plans to visit someone in Verona where I went to high school, but getting to Verona which is 7 miles away by gravel road is an another adventure. We came up to 2 road closed signs, and took this road below, not sure if we could get through or not!

As you can see it was a very narrow road and the water was about ready to start, going over the road in this spot, but it was passable, and some one was very nervous about staying dry!
After we got past the high water spot, we were heading west to Verona and this old barn was up on a hill, so we stopped again in the middle of the road and took a picture.
The friend we went to see is one of Crystalie's Facebook friends and one of my old Verona High School Classmates, Joyce Laney, her maiden name was Joyce Maley. Her and Crystalie have been chatting back and forth all last winter, and Joyce wanted to meet her as they both are serious crafters and Crystalie, wanted to see some of Joyce's work up close.
Here Joyce is next to some of her handiwork, she does a beautiful job with the gourds that she decorates or creates birdhouses. this was in her little work shop, she showed us her cement working area in the Quonset next to this little 10 by 16 building she is in, for bird baths, and benches and other fun yard stuff. She also shared with us lots of tips on working with gourds.

After our 2 plus hour visit, we headed back to the farm and took a drive into Lisbon for a light lunch with Mom and Dad at Hodenati's, and a look at the flood preparations going on in town due to the rising Sheyenne River.

One Comment

  1. Looks like a fun, adventurous trip! Nice you are back safe and sound.