March-April Stanley Family Birthday Party!


Well we ventured up to just north of Nashwauk, MN to Crystalie's brother Jon's home, to celebrate the birthdays of Dillion , March birthday, and Tyler, today actually, and Coralie's birthday which is tomorrow!
Our host and cook brother-in-law Jon Stanley, with Dillion one of the birthday people and one of the fisherman.
Breading the next batch to cook up in the fryer above.

l-r ---Tyler, Dillion and Coralie, the birthday people!

Jon and his boys Tyler and Troy were our hosts.

The main course was prepared by Jon, deep fried fish, which were caught by Jon, Tyler and Dillion over the last couple of month's ice fishing on various Minnesota lakes. Jon has done this before and it is delicious, he breads his pieces of fish and then puts them in a deep fryer cooker in his garage. Fried golden brown it was done to perfection...nice job Jon.

The weather outside was chilly and rainy so it we spent the day in the house, snacking on appetizers and then our wonderful dinner, which was fish, coleslaw, veggie tray, potato salad, fresh rolls, corn bread muffins, and a 3 bean salad, deviled eggs, and refreshments. It was all great and needless to say we ate to much.

After lunch there was a free garage sale in the basement, and also some of last years onion and potato crop that Jon grew last summer, for those who wanted some produce to take home.

We had the final round of the Masters Golf Tournament on the TV and watched that for entertainment, along with a few other games and some cards.

As usual there was lots of conversation and also the pumpkin seed order was split up by the Stanley Family Garden Club, for this years growing season.

Then the birthday people opened gifts and we all enjoyed a choice of Rhubarb Cake with whip cream or Angel food cake with strawberry's and whip cream or both for those who had room to do so!

We also had some guests today, one of Crystalie's consignors and close friend, Deb and Rick Copley Mathison, who she had not seen since last fall.

They used to live in the Aitkin area, but moved up to Eveleth, MN last fall and we enjoyed the chance to share our family event with them, and they enjoyed the food and company also!

Along with Tyler's girlfriend Jane who was also there to celebrate Tyler's Birthday!

So thanks again to Jon and his boys, and all the cooks and their delicious food!