Coit Family Christmas

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We celebrated our 2011 Coit Family Christmas this year relatively close by at Grandview Lodge.
My daughter Jennifer reserved a large 5 bedroom group cottage for us to  stay in this last Friday and Saturday nights. It was great with lots of room, and a nice living room with a pool table and Foosball table, along with a large screen tv of course, and a great kitchen to prepare some of our food!

Above you see all but one of my family, missing is my brother Richard, who's oldest was graduating
from U of Nebraska, this last weekend so they were unable to attend.
From left to right--in the back
Bill, Valerie, Me, Neal, and Jeff
my parents Bill and Joyce in front of us.

This photo is the Coit side of our immediate family,
l-r--Eric and Raquel and their son Miles in my lap.
Then Chris and Misty and their two daughters Livia in Crystalie's arm and Addy next to me
Jennifer and Matias on the far right.
Our family is growing and it was wonderful to spent time with all of them!
We enjoyed lots of great food, time to swim, play lots of games, and of course party some together with all the other family members in attendance!
We were blessed by good travel weather and great weather all weekend!

One Comment

  1. Wow-our family is BIG...if we add in that Wash/AZ bunch...whew!! Love you and all of them!