Sledding North Dakota Style


Well sometimes when there isn't enough snow on the hillsides, you have to resort to North Dakota Style sledding, meaning you hook the sled up behind a truck, or snowmobile, and you pull them around on the sled, or if you don't have a hill!

In this case no snow on the ground, but there is a nice thick sheet of ice on Coffee Lake, and so I started pulling Rebekah on the sled behind my trusty JD lawn tractor, with it's chains on of course to provide the traction we needed

In these pictures, you see Rebekah in the blue pattern coat and her two second cousins, Jacob in the blue coat and Joshua in the dark coat. Who came over at my request to spent sometime outside enjoying the sledding and each others company.

As you can see they are able to ham it up, and because we aren't moving terribly fast, not a lot to worry about for falling off. Which they did do a few times, and with three of them in the long sled, it was still pretty full!

As you can also see, they had a blast!

Afterwords we retreated to the house where Joshua and Rebekah, watched some episodes of Phenias and Ferb off of Netflix. 

Below, Jacob joined Crystalie, Ricki and I in a game of Scrabble, Jacob's first game with us as his own player, he had some help from Auntie Crystalie, but he did really well and came in third, ahead of me...

We also enjoyed a supper of grilled hot dogs and bratwurst and also some veggies and french fries, along with a great jello salad that Kay brought over when she came to pick the boys up. Brother-in-law Mitch was still trucking into the evening hours and wasn't able to join us but I am sure he will hear all about it!