Mr Miles, visits Coffee Lake Farm


Yes, that's right we had some company last night, and got to see the speedy Mr Miles, crawling all over the floor, and of course he was as happy as ever!

He of course checked out a lot of the corners, and also everything, he could pull himself up on but there were no bumps and he definitely is getting stronger.

I have a cold, and Miles has some ear infection medicine he is on, but overall we had lots of fun, and I had him giggling away, while we played with blocks. He seemed to enjoy the word Boom, whenever he would knock down my pile of blocks he would let out a giggle and laugh!

Oh yeah his Mom and Dad were here and we had a very nice supper, and even enjoyed a game of Scrabble, after Miles went down for the night. We celebrated an early Christmas with Raquel and Eric, as we will not see them over the Christmas Holiday or New Years Day, when we celebrate with the rest of the family. All in all it was a very joyous evening, and so much fun to spend time with Miles and his Mom and Dad!