The weekend is here!


Yes another weekend, and I have a project list of certain things to do this weekend.

I have been busy the last couple of evenings posting Wooden Nichols items on, which is a vintage, collectible and handcrafted site for selling items on. could be come an addictive site if you like looking at all kinds of items, because it seems they have pages and pages of it!

So when you get there look for Wooden Nichols Market to see all the new listings.

I plan to fix my trailer lights, hopefully and the new part will allow my driver side lights to work on the trailer.

I also plan to haul recyclables to the collection point, cleaning out some more of my shop. After that I am off to cut up some wood at Colette's house, as she has some oak trees that fell over this fall. I also have to install a new thermostat for her, in the newly refinished basement.

So as you can see it will be a busy day, but we have no snow and the temps will be around 30 degrees and there will be lots of days in the future when it won't be so nice outside to do anything!