A warm bed!


Needless to say I think we all enjoy a warm bed on a cold December night.

We have always had an electric blanket on our bed to help keep the chill off the coolness of our bedroom, which does not have a lot of heated forced air getting to it. But last night Crystalie awoke to a flashing control box, and needless to say it no longer worked.

Well, I went to Kohls today and purchased an electric heated mattress pad for our bed. They have been around for a few years, but no need to buy one until now. The packaging on these even advertise you can save money at night by turning your furnace down and still keep toasty warm in your heated bed. Good Marketing there!

So this unit above is what ours looks like, and please note the two controllers, one for my side and one for Crystalie's side. Which I think I am going to love as Crystalie can not stand getting to warm, and occasionally she has a warm flash and then is throwing her covers off.

This is going to be the first night and I am sure there will be a little adjustment process, but the other thing is the  heat will be below our bodies not above it like the blanket was...meaning it should be toastier!


  1. thanks for calling it just a "warm flash"....HOT!!! FREAKIN HOT!!!!

  2. Talk this thing up at CFC to your brother Rory. It's cold in St. Cloud!