Cooler days

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We have been enjoying some much cooler temperatures during the last two days, lows have been down into the mid 50's which feels kind of chilly.

The Llamas and Bucky, have enjoyed the cooler weather, all except the deerflies and horseflies. It seems with the warm weather we had over the last week, the population of these pesty flies. has grown.
The cooler weather and some breezy weather help keep them down, but the grass in the pasture is an area the flies love to sit until being disturbed by a passing animal.

We do spray Bucky down every so often, but the llamas are not to easy to spray down, they like to get in one of there dust bowls, and roll around to get rid of the flies.

Anyhow, the fly season will pass, in about a month and in two months we will experience a frost...that would be Mid-September which is the full Moon cycle in September.

One Comment

  1. Really? You had to bring up the frost? NoNO! NOoooo,,, least wait till the 1st ripe tomato!