Poppies, lots and lots of poppies!

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Well, we don't have fields Poppies, in the Wizard of Oz, but we have lots of them and the blooming season is just beginning!

Once you start growing them you, will always have them as they reseed themselves each year. Unless you pick the pots before they start spreading their seeds. The blue-green foliage is kind of cool and offers a nice contrast to flower areas.

As you can see below they will grow just about anywhere, like the crack between, the sidewalk and the timber wall.

These were all double blossom variety, we do have some singles but none were blooming yet. They last about 3-4 days and then the soft petals begin to die off.

Thought you might like to see them!

One Comment

  1. Beautiful! I wonder if our deer would eat them like candy!