It is just hot and sticky!


Well for those of you not in Minnesota, we are experiencing some unusaul weather.

Hot and very humid with heat indexes in the 105 degree range...

This morning it was so foggy out and a slight breezy from the NW, and the screens on the west side of the house, were covered with water from the fog...meaning the humidity was 100%, and it was 82 degrees out already at 7:30am...

Needless to say the rest of day did not get any cooler, late this afternoon the clouds moved in and let it cool down a little but it is still 81 degrees tonight.

Oh and we don't have an air conditioner, so we are running fans where ever we sit or laydown. We have even been using a fan on our front porch to at least have a breeze blowing over you.

I hope it is cooler where you are!