Household chores


After getting home last night from working at R. till 8:30pm, I fixed a light supper. After that, I washed and waxed our kitchen floor, along with wiping down the bathroom floor.

It had been a while since it was done and it needed a good cleaning. After that I watched a little TV.

When I got up this morning however, after having a cup of coffee with Crystalie, I got busy again before heading off to R again for a day shift.

I vacuumed all the carpet in the house, and then washed windows and wiped down the screens also which had collected a bunch of pine pollen and various fuzzy stuff from some trees. Filled up the wood stove, and played fetch with Smarkle for a little bit, and then it was time to get ready for work.

Tonight's plan is to mow some grass, and maybe get some garden weeding done and check to see if we have anything to eat yet from the get cages on the fast growing tomato plants.

And enjoy the Ruttger's fireworks from our living room or back deck!


  1. I just love sitting around, eating my bon bons and watching you work.