Smarkle and a skunk!

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Yes, tonight we smelled the dreaded skunk odor, and sure enough Smarkle and a skunk crossed paths. Not sure what happened, other than the fact the smell of skunk filled our back entry where the door was open, and we could smell that strong odor.

So it was bath time for Smarkle, and we dug out the recipe for neutralizing the smell of skunk and proceeded to give her a bath in our jacuzzi tub, and then I took her right outside and down to the lake to play some fetch off the dock.

It seemed to work pretty well, but where ever they ran across each other, left a spot in the yard, where there is that skunk smell and it must be somewhere west of the house, because the wind blows it back in the direction of the house every so often.

One Comment

  1. Ewww very inconvenient when it's so hot!